Diagnostic Program – Hyster PC Service Tool v5.1 Updated 01.2023
Size: 61.4 MB
Type of Software: Diagnostic Software
Type of vehicle: Forklift
Languages: English
Make: Hyster
Region: WorldWide
Version: 5.1
Year: 01.2023
Disks: 1
OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 32 & 64 bit
Installation: Multiple PCs
Instruction - How To Install: Present (Support install Free)
Printable: Yes
Price for Multiple PCs
Diagnostic Program – Hyster PC Service Tool v5.1 Updated 01.2023
Size: 61.4 MB
Type of Software: Diagnostic Software
Type of vehicle: Forklift
Languages: English
Make: Hyster
Region: WorldWide
Version: 5.1
Year: 01.2023
Disks: 1
OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 32 & 64 bit
Installation: Multiple PCs
Instruction – How To Install: Present (Support install Free)
Printable: Yes
Price for Multiple PCs
Hyster PC Service Tool v5.1
Version 5.1 of the PC Service Tool is an updated set of software that completely supersedes
previous versions of this diagnostic tool. This Readme is intended to help the technician use the
tool as effectively as possible and to inform the technician of issues that may be encountered
with this version.
It is strongly recommended that the Installation and Use Guide be downloaded from Hypass, and
available for reference when the PC Service Tool (PCST) is to be installed. This guide provides
valuable information as to compatibility, and how to install and use the PCST
Hyster PC Service Tool v5.0
36.1 MB 09/13/2022
A099, A250, A268, A269, A274, A276, A299, A380, A418, A432, A472, A935, A970, B274, B299, B460, B463, B464, B978, C238, C299, C440, C447, C449, C450, C457, D024, D203, D435, D439, D442, D456, E024, E438, E439, E444, F001, F024, F187, G001, G004, G024, G187, H004, H006, H024, H187, J004, J006, K006, K160, L006, L177, N005, N006, N019, N177, P005, P006, P007, P177, R005, R177, S005, U005
36.3 MB
v4.99.8 Changes: Fixes RP1210 connection bug. Adds H024 series. Bug fixes for 1-8ton trucks. Bug fix for Kubota injector compensation.
C238, D236, D917, F214, F222, J008, K117, N019, P007, A099, A250, A268, A269, A274, A276, A299, A380, A472, A935, A970, B274, B299, B978, C238, C299, C447, D024, D203, D435, D439, D442, E024, E438, E439, F001, F024, F187, G001, G004, G024, G187, H004, H006, H024, H187, J004, J006, K006, K160, L006, L177, N005, N006, N019, N177, P005, P006, P007, P177, R005, R177, S005, U005
A099, A250, A268, A269, A274, A276, A299, A380, A472, A935, A970, B274, B299, B978, C238, C299, D024, D203, D435, D439, D442, E024, E438, E439, F001, F024, F187, G001, G004, G024, G187, H004, H006, H187, J004, J006, K006, K160, L006, L177, N005, N006, N019, N177, P005, P006, P007, P177, R005, R177, S005, U005
v4.99 Changes: Adds Fuel Cell support. Adds Hydraulic calibration for R177. Adds some new warehouse model codes. Bug fix for erroneous Electric Rider fault codes appearing in Fault Monitor.